14 Quotes To Boost Self-Confidence

We all know that February is all about love, but why would we love someone else if we haven't learned to love ourselves first?

Self-confidence is not something you are born with; it's like a garden, you must tend to it for it to grow and bloom. I want you to wake up every morning with a positive outlook and to make it a goal to look at yourself in the mirror and love what you see. When you throw the comforter off of you at the brink of dawn and drag your feet into the bathroom to get ready, I want you to remind yourself these things. While brushing your hair, applying mascara or undressing to find an outfit for the day, take a hard look in the mirror. I challenge you to love every blemish, curve, wrinkle or insecurity that you have, showering it with compliments and admiration. To cherish the beauty you have been blessed with, to know you are perfect just the way you are. 


1. I am enough.

The thoughtful actions, the hard work at school or the energy we constantly put into our lives is seen. My selflessness and courage are admired by others and who I am today is enough. 

2. I look my best when I feel my best

I will surround myself with positive people and minds and get rid of the toxic ones. I will always strive to give genuine compliments, think of others and to be a good role model for others. It is important I feel good from the inside out, so I will wear my red lipstick and high heels and know I am worthy.


3. I will not let others bring me down

When they go low, we go high. I will kill the hate with kindness and keep my head held high with confidence. I don't let others bring me down because I am an incredible person.  

4. This body is mine and it is beautiful

I wont let anyone take advantage of what is mine, and I won't react with hate. Instead, I know my value, know my worth and stand my ground. I can say, do and choose exactly what I wish to happen to this temple, and if taken advantage of, I will find justice.

5. My insecurities and fears will not hold me back

Despite the risk of failing, I know I can grow from challenges. I will stand tall and fight for what I want without pulling myself down. And if I may fail, I will learn from it and fight harder and harder until I am successful. 

6. I will be positive today

I will wake up with a new mindset. Today is a new day and it is mine to seize. I will do my absolute best to find the good in the bad, and find solutions to anything that stands in my way. I will not let someone else's negativity bring me down, instead I will influence their thoughts with my bright energy!


7. My intentions are pure, and they are from the goodness of my heart

I will keep my intentions good, and give to those in need. I will keep the purity of my heart and thoughtfulness of my mind. 

8. My smile is going to make someone else smile today

My smile is meant to be worn all day, everyday. I want to laugh and smile with others around me because laughter is contagious. I want to be happy, and I deserve to be happy.

9. I am grateful for... (list insecurities)

My belly fat, my awkward silence, my large nose, etc... What I find ugly or different, others will find grand. I am grateful for my... because it is beautiful.

10. My impact on the world is at the tips of my fingers


I will not let others stand in my way, and I will be the voice of my life. I will challenge myself, overcome "I can't" and know I will bring something unique to the table. 

11. I will do my best to keep an open mind and not judge others or myself

I will acknowledge my mistakes, but I will not deprecate myself. I will not judge others' for their differences and mistakes, but instead help them and myself. 

12. I look beautiful today. My face, body and brilliance is 1 of 7 billion. I am unique

There isn't a single person outside that is like me, and that makes me one-of-a-kind. I am beautiful when I look in the mirror and love what I see. I love being me.

13. I am proud of myself

I have overcome so many obstacles and hardships, worked for what I wanted, done my best in my circumstances and I am PROUD that I have made it here. 

14. I love myself

I love every inch of my body, every different part of me. My mind is beautiful. I will change the world. I love who I am today, and I am going to work hard to be better tomorrow. I love myself.


If you screenshot this post or take of photo of your list about self-love, send it to me for a shoutout on Instagram @TheLifeOfLibs